amplified” (Girl, Interrupted). Girl, Interrupted is a movie that follows the life of a teenager named Susannah in the 1960s, as she enters Claymore Mental Institution and suffers and tries to overcome a psychological disorder. Throughout her stay, she befriends other patients and essentially has a life-changing impact on all of their lives. Throughout the movie, many psychological disorders are portrayed. One of the main characters is Susannah Kaysen, who suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder. Borderline
I found her character in the movie Girl, Interrupted to be interesting, suspenseful, and touching in many ways. In the storyline there is a young woman whose name is Susanna Kaysen that was admitted to the mental hospital after attempting to commit suicide by taking large amount of pills. While in the hospital she was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. According to (2015), “border personality disorder is a mental health disorder that generates significant emotional