Why Should Books Be Banned

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Should books be banned or be allowed for everyone to read? In the Google Scholar article “The Case Against To Kill A Mockingbird”, the book To Kill A Mockingbird is banned for it is offensive language. Not only that but the book Animal Farm by George Orwell is banned, for it is inappropriate topics such as politics. However, in the infographic “12 Infographics about Banned and Challenged Books” by Piotr Kowalczyk says that everyone has the freedom to read what they want. Also in the news article “Banned Books Week champions Challenged Literature” says that many readers, librarians, and book lovers are fighting to unban books that are on the banned books list also known as the challenged list. Therefore, books are constantly being banned in schools and in libraries because they contain offensive language (profanity ) and inappropriate topics; however, many readers should have the freedom to read what they want and should maintain liberty by not banning books. Many parents and schools have…show more content…
In Google Scholar article “The Case Against To Kill A Mockingbird” by Isaac Saney and in the book Animal Farm by George Orwell says that books should be banned. However, in the infographic “12 Infographics about Banned and Challenged Books” by Piotr Kowalczyk and in the news article “Banned Books Week champions Challenged Literature” by Michael Pearson says that books should not be banned. Parents, schools, and libraries say that books should be banned because they contain offensive language (slangs, profanity, and cruising etc.), and inappropriate topics (politics, racism, and explicit content etc.). However many people argue that books should not be banned because students and readers have the freedom to read what they want, and it stands for free speech. With all this being said, should books be banned or be allowed for everyone to

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