The Perks of Being a Wallflower, closely follows the life of new freshman Charlie and his tremulous journey through his first year of high school. Charlie, the eponymous wallflower, learns many of the clichéd high school lessons that are taught to him by new friends, foes, and love interests. Though he thought it impossible, Charlie makes new friends with step-siblings Sam and Patrick who help Charlie in his scary first year of high school. There have been quite a few instances of this book being
Banned Books Many years, a lot of great books get banned all because some people can’t handle the way they’re written. Whether it has to do with religion, racism, etc. I’m pretty sure with most books, if you look them up, they will say what it has to do with or what it’s about. There is no valid reason for people to ban them, the book itself will explain what it has in it. Most books are rated, like Fiction, Young Adult, Non-Fiction, if you know you don’t like or would want to read Young Adult