Why Is Harriet Tubman Important

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Throughout history there has been a substantial amount of African American people of influence. Amongst those individuals was a remarkable woman by the name of Harriet Tubman. Many hear the name and immediately associate it with the Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad was entailed of secret routes and safe houses leading slaves to free states in the north and to Canada as well, from the heinous world of slavery. Although Harriet Tubman and her work with the Underground Railroad was successful and is highly commendable, she does not get recognized for all she did before and during the Civil War. Harriet Tubman born a mere two hours from the nation’s capital was truly a jack- of-all-trades. Not only was Tubman the “Conductor of the Underground Railroad”, she also worked as a spy and scout for the Union…show more content…
She was strict and determined during her missions freeing slaves on the Underground Railroad, vocalizing death threats for those who were too tired and wanted to just go back. Tubman even carried a gun to ensure no one returned back to their lives of slavery. On the other hand, she was a gentle and compassionate nurse. Surgeon General Henry K Durant wrote a note in reference to her “kindness and attention to the sick and suffering” (Wesley & Romero, 1967, p 107). Harriet Tubman knew like other important women of color such as Sojourner Truth and Susie King Taylor, just to name a few, people needed them. She saved many lives through her frequent trips on the Underground Railroad and was also able to use her learned nursing care skills to aid troops during the war. The Civil War was possibly the most brutal war in America. The Union army consisted of white troops as well as blacks and if services by women such as Tubman were not rendered, many would have died before the war even

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