Why Did Romeo And Juliet's Death Cause Consequences

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Juliet is shocked and upset about the death of Romeo. She had just woken up after taking the poison Friar Lawrence gave her, but all she found was a scared Friar Lawrence and a dead Romeo. Romeo had killed himself without knowing Juliet was only sleeping. They were all heartbroken. Juliet was so irrational with her decision that she did not think her death would cause consequences, her death would not bring Romeo back, and she needed to be strong. Juliet did not realize that her death would cause consequences. Her parents would be heartbroken. They would never get their daughter back. The Nurse would be overwhelmed with sadness because she basically raised Juliet. Any person that had ever become close to her would never see her again; they would never be able to tell her that they loved her and she was important to them. Capulet and Lady Capulet would never be able to see…show more content…
Romeo was gone, and he would never see her again. Although it was a difficult situation, Juliet did not understand that her death would only make things worse. She cannot take her life for Romeo. He would not have wanted her to die. He would have wanted her to be happy and living. Romeo would have wanted her to live her life even if he were not there. Finally, Juliet needed to be strong. She was at a very weak state. Romeo and her cousin, Tybalt, were now dead and there was no hope left for her. Life was turning against her and she needed to push back. After Romeo’s death, she had nothing to live for; in her opinion at least. People thought she was dead and now she needed to face her family and friends. Although she did not favor it, she needed to be tough and own up to what she had done. Juliet had many things to deal with, and she could not solve it with death. Juliet was so irrational with her decision that she did not think her death would cause consequences, her death would not bring Romeo back, and she needed to be
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