The Consequences Of Fate In Romeo And Juliet

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Napoleon Bonaparte once said, “There is no such thing as accident; it is fate misnamed.” Fate plays a big part in all our lives, as it did in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. One could even argue that fate is the driver of life, and we are just passengers, along for the ride. Perhaps Romeo and Juliet were too blinded by their “arranged” love (by fate, that is) for one another to understand that their choices have consequences, and that these consequences are preordained (it may be controversial to make such a statement, but in a written work this is certainly true, as the author decides the fate of the characters). Romeo and Juliet may have thought the events that led up to their ultimate downfall were accidents, but indeed everything was perfectly intertwined by fate, to eventually reach the intended conclusion. When considering the causes of Romeo and Juliet’s destruction, fate, very likely, holds the greatest blame, as no one and nothing could change the ultimate plan it had in store for…show more content…
As literary characters, however, Romeo and Juliet did not have that privilege. Again, during his walk to the feast, Romeo expresses concern over the premonition he’s had: “… But he that hath the steerage of my course, direct my sail…” (1.4.113-114). Here Romeo even acknowledges that his life is not in his own hands. Fate is the force behind Romeo and Juliet’s every action, even when they think they’ve made their own decisions. In a way, fate strips the character of their free will without them knowing it. As a result, the characters continue to make foolish decisions without considering the consequences (namely Romeo and Juliet), and how they might contribute to a bigger plan. Fate decided what the characters will do and say, so that in the end, all goes according to plan. No one character could do anything to change that, which is another reason why fate and it’s plan holds the ultimate blame for the deaths of Romeo and
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