Analyzing The Gap Between Generations In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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The gap between generations is rather obvious in Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet as the play is focused around young love, but the generation gap is widen further by the plays old family rivalry. The ancient hatred between the Montagues and Capulet families is initially the center of the plays action but despite the family rivalry, the young lovers, Romeo and Juliet are able to see past each other’s family name, although the same cannot be said for the ones controlling their lives. The conflict between the generations in Romeo and Juliet is displayed when the older order try to enforce their will upon their children, meanwhile the two young lovers are constantly struggling throughout the play to overcome the strict social roles place on them by their parents. Children have been expected to be obedient to their parents throughout time, in Romeo and Juliet’s case they both still lived with their parents, therefore they were to live by the set house rules. Romeo who was the male heir would be expected to carry on the family name, while in Juliet’s case being an only child, her marriage was an important decision within the Capulet household. In the decision of marriage Mr. Capulet obviously feels that he holds more wisdom when making the selection than his child, Juliet in the situation.…show more content…
The older, more traditional viewers see the disobedience of two young brats towards their parents, while the younger crowd may view this scene as romantic and worth the risky consequences. These disobedient acts that Romeo and Juliet make in efforts for their love against their parents’ wishes and the long lived family rivalry only widens the gap between the generations. The moral of the story was reflected upon the youth by displaying the fact that when two young lovers submit to their desires, neglecting the authority and advice of their parents will result in a well-deserved

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