Jp Morgan Biography

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J.P Morgan By:Caitlin Sommerville Have you ever wanted to travel back with me to the 1800s and the 1900s? If you do well then come with me! We are going to learn about so many new things about the Progressive Era, and everything you could possibly know about J.P Morgan. So come with me on an adventure!! J.P Morgan was born April 17, 1837 in Hartford, CT. He had a mom named Juilet Peirpoint and a very influencing dad named Junius Spencer Morgan. His dad was a millionaire at the time. His dad taught Morgan all about money and financing. His dad told J.P. that financing was where you provide funding for a person. This inspired J.P Morgan to be in the financing business. J.P. Morgan went to school and graduated at the English High School of Boston, and the University of Gottingen. He studied a lot about banking and financing! He learned all about money. J.P. Morgan was the first financier in the world, so he was known by a lot of people. J.P. Morgan won many awards!! The first award that he ever won was kind of a name. He was named the European Asset Management Company of the year! This award is an award for financing. The business who gave J.P. Morgan this award was a company that is for financing, and since he was in the financing…show more content…
Morgan inspired many people! He inspired people to become financiers, just like he was! He inspired people to work with money, and become financiers! He was also helped so many things back then! He helped refinance the Civil War Debt. He also helped fund the military. There were a lot of things going on at that time! The main thing that he help in was the Great Depression. The Great Depression was when World War 2 was happening. A lot of families did not have homes at the time, and their husbands were out at war. He helped by signing paperwork that stated that “the prices were going up really fast,and a lot of people were going homeless!” He signed a lot of paperwork regarding this. He had so much going on at that

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