Growing Up In A Culture Of Respect Summary

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Growing Up in a Culture of Respect The author of this ethnography is Inge Bolin. Inge Bolin is an anthropologist who was born in Germany and is an anthropology professor at Malaspina University, which is now called Vancouver Island University, in British Colombia, Canada. Inge has written three books, one being Growing Up in a Culture of Respect (her second book), and the other two being When Condors Call (2010) and Rituals of Respect -The Secret of Survival in the High Peruvian Andes (1998). In this ethnography, Inge went to the remote village of Chillihuani, which is near the city of Cuzco in Peru, and underwent observational studies while living with the villagers who live there. Her main topic of research was to see how children grow up…show more content…
She observed the children in the cultural context of Chillihuani while focusing on what they did and how they did things growing up and correlating those factors into who the Chillihuani people grow to be (Bolin 7) . Throughout the book she took part in observing key moments, both public and private, such as birth, death, fiestas, herding, and pretty much everything besides going to the school in the valley miles away every day. Being in the moment of heat and experiencing things in real time, not just through stories, are what made her research easier and more accurate for her works to consist of. After dealing with each situation as needed, Inge goes over her data and just tell it how it really is, which is one of the best aspects of being there an observing. If Inge participated more she would not have been able to really express to the readers each role a person has because she would have a task of her own as well as observing. With nothing but a notepad and observing as her research was being conducted, that gives her an advantage to really detail how each situation that the Chillihuani go through more accurately. The downside to only observing is that she can't express in her own words or feelings what the actual physical or mental aspects of being in those situations is

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