Why Did Children Survive In The Holocaust

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How did infants and children survive in the Holocaust? Nazis used various methods to separate and kill children and infants. Children were usually killed in very inhumane ways along with the disabled, ill, or elderly people. The children had been worked to death by hauling stones or by working in coal mines. Kids between the ages thirteen and eighteen had the highest rates of survival in concentration camps. Only six percent of the children put in the camps survived to tell their story later in life. Many children in boarding schools and attics were found hiding and sent to the concentration camps. For example, Anne Frank kept a diary that had was found after she had died in the camps. Anne Frank and her family had been sent to different camps and almost all of them did not survive. This shows that some of the people who went into hiding were taken to the camps. This is important because some of the hidden children kept diaries or journals that let others know what it was like hiding away from the Nazis. As a result, most of the…show more content…
Many of them died from starvation, exhaustion, lack of medical treatment, or being poisoned gas chambers. For example, on some days, there were over six thousand Jewish people being killing in gas chambers. This shows how many people had been killed just using the gas chamber method. The Nazis also had other cruel killing methods. They also shot them into mass graves, sent them to the crematorium, used them for target practice, or by tearing infants apart by their limbs. This also shows that there were many other ways that Nazis killed human beings. The Nazis wanted blond hair, blue eyes, and fair skin to be the dominant race. They wanted to exterminate all other races. They killed Jews, Gypsies, German children with mental or physical disabilities, or anyone they found that did not fit their standards. As a result, the Nazis used many ways to kill the races that they found

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