Why Cold Cases Should Be Removed

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The world is full of many tragedies, murders, hit and runs, rapes, and plenty more, but most of these investigations are not solved because they are unable to find who or what has caused the accident by event, which is called a cold case. The only way the case would be reopened is if someone finds evidence that could be considered proof that they have found clues that could solve the unfinished case. I Believe cold cases should be reopened because finding out who caused the crime could save others lives. For example there’s many cases of murders happening multiple of times by the same person because investigators probably didn’t catch them the first time. In 1977 there were a case of a woman name Brynn, who got murdered waiting for her 2 a.m shift, around that time there was many cases of murders around California. Another example is because in 1995 there was many cases of teens getting murdered in the same location. If…show more content…
Although finding out what happened to someone or who made the offense could be heartbreaking, knowing who done it and what has happened could help. For example, in Massachusetts a teen encouraged her online boyfriend to kill himself. After investigators have searched his phone they found out who pushed the boy over the edge. The boy's family was probably hurt by the news, but they felt some closure knowing what has occurred. An additional example is a hit and run cold case. A man named Campbell hot hit by a car and died, finding who’ve done the offense and arresting the person for the crime would give his family some closure. Not only does it help the victim's family find a little closure, but it sometimes could even help the investigators as well because they could feel they solved the crime and feel like they didn’t just miss something they could have solved by just working a little
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