Who Is The Protagonist In The Great Gatsby

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F. Scott Fitzgerald’s intense novel The Great Gatsby, focuses of the life a mysterious, but supposedly amazing man. This man went by the name Jay Gatsby who claimed to have graduated form Oxford, received many war medals, and inherit large sums of money from his heritage, but often times the readers find themselves confused about whether to feel infatuated with this character of skeptical of him. Jay Gatsby portrays such an attractive character full of charm and wealth, but the reader cannot help but wonder how this man displays so much magnificence. From the first moment the reader meets Gatsby he already displays a character worthy of awe as he sits back at his own party simply observing the festivities. Some of his features that make him so attractive…show more content…
This wonder leads to suspicion. Jay Gatsby seems to good to actually even exist and the reader begins to wonder the same thing, but the entire time the charming tone of his voice and his smile so well described by the narrator make the reader want to believe him. As the story progresses the reader learns of Gatsby’s dilemma with his true love Daisy Buchanan, who married herself to an extremely wealthy man during the war. Gatsby loves this women he will go to all measures to try and win her back. He holds extravagant parties every weekend in the mansion across from her house to try and get her attention in hopes she will one day show up. This also displays a characteristic of Gatsby that makes him more attractive, his determination. Not only with Daisy, but with his life. As a child he decided he would become wealthy and through determination he became an incredibly rich man who can live a lavish lifestyle. But again, because he displays such amazing characteristics that the reader wonders how this man could possibly even exist. Eventually, the reader find out through a conversation
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