F. Scott Fitzgerald's Babylon Revisited

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F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote the story “Babylon Revisited”, the story was published in 1931. In the story the “Babylon Revisited” the character Charlie Wales is the protagonist of the story. Charlie Wales had small fortune, until in Paris during the mid-1920s he spent all his money. In 1929 the stock market collapsed and so did Charlie, because he was an alcoholic. Later Charlie was regaining his clear head and financial foundation as a businessman in Prague; he was ashamed of his past recklessness. Charlie Wales returns to Paris, where he hoped to prove himself as new man from his old ways and able to get custody of his daughter. F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote the novel “The Great Gatsby”, the novel was published in 1925. In the novel “The Great Gatsby” the character Gatsby is the protagonist of the novel. He lived in a Gothic mansion in the West Egg, Gatsby was a wealthy man. He was famous for the luxurious parties he threw every Saturday night. No one knew where he came from, what he did, or how he made his fortune. Nick learned later in the novel that Gatsby was born in James Gatz on a farm in North Dakota and he worked for a millionaire. He dedicated his whole life to achieve to be wealthy rich. When he met Daisy, he fell in love with her. Nick also learned that…show more content…
The narrator, Carraway, tells Gatsby that he is "worth the whole damn bunch put together," and remains Caraway’s single source of hope in humanity. Wales enjoyed a life of being drunk and vice with his wife and friends in Paris. He lost custody of his daughter, because the death of his wife and his alcoholism. The readers are reminded of Wales's self reformation no drinking and he so sad because he is still denied custody of Honoria his daughter. Both Gatsby and Wales are in a high respect due to their hope, which is the foundation of every action taken and decision that they make. They both changed to get their desire but unfortunately they didn’t get

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