Examples Of Reality In The Great Gatsby

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Seeing is Believing “Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are” (John Wooden). Throughout Tennessee Williams’ play, A Streetcar Named Desire, the reader is consistently reminded of the paradox between reputation and reality. The physical appearance and mannerisms of Blanche DuBois and her romantic gestures offer a stark contrast to her opinion of herself. Similarly, in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby, the public perception of Gatsby’s education and wealth was the antithesis of reality. How others perceive a person due to their actions or appearances can be very misleading and often fly in the face of reality. William’s protagonist, Blanche DuBois, actively sought attention and compliments about her physical appearance and attractiveness. She used her femininity to attract men into superficial relationships. For example, Blanche advertised herself to Stanley Kowalski by describing her perfumed scent and cleanliness in Scene Two. Blanche’s reality is that she is afraid of aging and seeks compliments to overcome her low self-esteem. Stanley’s calls her bluff by his comment,…show more content…
With lavish parties and a scholarly Oxford background, Gatsby built a reputation based on illusions. His reality was that he grew up in poverty and achieved wealth through illegal bootlegging during the Prohibition and was a college dropout from the University of Oxford. When speaking with Tom Buchanan, conversation arises regarding Gatsby’s education: “I told you I went there … it was in nineteen-nineteen. I only stayed five months. That’s why I can’t really call myself an Oxford man” (Jay Gatsby 129). Jay Gatsby acquired a reputation formed by society, which allowed him to be accepted among the socially elite of East and West

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