Who Is The Protagonist In The Great Gatsby

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The Great Gatsby mainly tells of Gatsby’s quixotic passion for Daisy Buchanan. They meet five years before the novel begins, when Daisy is a legendary young Louisville beauty and Gatsby a poor officer. They fall in love, but while Gatsby serves overseas. Daisy marries the brutal, humiliating, but extremely rich Tom Buchanan. Nick Garaway, the narrator of the story, is a young Mid-westerner who sells bonds in New York. He lives at West Egg, Long Island, which is separated from the city by an ash-dump. His neighbor is Jay Gatsby, who is a mysterious man, whose mansion and fabulous entertainments are financed by bootlegging and other criminal activities. When Gatsby was a poor army officer, he had fallen in love with Daisy, Nick’s beautiful cousin, but later Daisy married Tom Buchanan, who is wealthy but intelligent and brutal.…show more content…
However, Daisy is not what she used to be. She is in pursuit of money and social status. “Her voice is full of money”, Gatsby says admiringly, in one of the novel’s most famous descriptions. With huge wealth accumulated, Gatsby buys mansion across Long Island from Daisy’s noble East Egg address. Throws generous parties, and waits for Daisy to appear. When she does, events carries up with all the tragic inevitability of a Greed dream. Then with the help of Nick Gatsby tries to win Daisy back with extravagant devotion. Meanwhile Daisy’s husband takes another woman Myrtle Wilson, as his mistress. When Mr. Wilson, a garage man, becomes jealous and imprisons her in the room, Myrtle escapes, runs out on the highway, and accidently hit by Daisy, who drives the car at that moment. Gatsby tries to help Daisy, and Tom tells Wilson that it was Gatsby who kills his wife. Wilson shoots Gatsby and then himself. At the end of the story, Nick thinks over Gatsby’s bream and decides to go back
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