When He Went Wrong To Kill Claudius

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In the past, men has developed sin from Adam’s blood; their obsessions and earthly desires has impaired humans with corruption to lead them away from seeking true morality. One reason is that men has changed their morality based on their religious beliefs. Hamlet went to University of Wittenberg, studying and accepting his Protestant religion. However, in certain instants, the readers can hardly understand what he believes. For example, Hamlet created a play to discover Claudius’ reaction towards the murder of his father (2.2.625-634). His master plan would uncover Claudius’ fault in order to eradicate him. However, he hesitated as he went to see Claudius because he found Claudius praying (3.3.77-84). Due to his superego convincing him to attack…show more content…
Hamlet found no meaning towards the deception and depression he has went through. His “Niche-morality” exposes why men commit suicide; men's incapability to react to situations leads them to find their life as an insignificant existence towards the world. Hamlet questions if he is a coward towards his struggle to kill Claudius (2.2.594-8). In spite of his life crisis, Hamlet realized how painful he felt when considering death over his master plan. Evidently, Hamlet's emotional dysfunction impales his morality with guilt and sorrow, which explains why he created the Dumb Show; he needed to expose Claudius for the murder of his father. However, his sorrow would transform into anger, creating his last stand to finish Claudius before he dies. Likewise, Grendel questions about the joy he feels, as he dies (Grendel, pg.173). Grendel's morality continued to change after his meeting with humans. The Shaper create meaning for the Danes to interpret them as morally good and Grendel as morally bad. However, the Shaper's death destroys religion, causing Grendel and men to surrender and die. If a man cannot find meaning in life, his survival on Earth is shorten. Consequently, men has killed themselves. Though, men cannot explain why events happened as they are, tempting themselves to commit suicide in order to…show more content…
Hamlet's personality became madness when his superego and his id fought to send encouragement to his ego. Fighting his obsession with Gertrude and his temptation to kill Claudius Beowulf, however, depends his morality based on events; he desired to use his beliefs in order to gain respect from the Danes. As for Grendel, his morality contained a depressive morality; his life is empty towards men's false deception of truth. Many writers and storytellers constantly create stories to observe the problems with humans. In today's society, reality creates morality itself without people realizing it. People's cultural background and religious environment defines morality; however, the significance of men's morality is that it is a decision. If we followed a forced morality, men would not create antithetic perspective about the world. The problem is not just that men corrupts morality with false beliefs; the problem is that men cannot comprehend their hearts towards perfection in order to create morality. In other words, without a perfect God to love us, the imperfect world remains blind to perfect knowledge. Men cannot be certain about their knowledge on life. As a result, men fights over the angel [super ego] and the devil [id] in reality, not in movies. However, God's perfect knowledge means that we depend on a supernatural being to understand that he knows every problem in their lives and
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