Revenge In Hamlet Research Paper

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Revenge plays a big part in Hamlet. This revenge causes the characters to show anger and emotion. In this case of revenge was “an eye for an eye” or “blood for blood”. This implies that a person can seek revenge for something that was harmfully done to someone to hurt them mentally and emotionally. After the death of his father, Hamlet was diagnosed with an illness melancholia. Melancholia is a mental condition that is marked by depression and ill-founded fears. King Hamlet’s ghost came to Hamlet to tell him that his brother Claudius had killed him. Hamlet was shocked as to what he just found out about his uncle. As a result he covered up the fact of him being hurt with him being mad so that Horatio and Marcellus won’t tell what they saw when they walked into the…show more content…
He made them promised not tell anyone about what they just saw. Due to his illness and other causes, lead Hamlet into having negative beliefs and having reduced energy. When Laertes found out about the death of his father, he came back home. He immediately went to King Claudius to tell him that he was responsible for the death of his father. King Claudius quickly told him that Hamlet was the one who was responsible for the death of his father. So, King Claudius and Laertes made a plot to kill Hamlet. King Claudius was the one who was responsible for the death of King Hamlet. King Claudius had poisoned him. As a result King Claudius began to feel guilty about what he had done and end up asking for forgiveness. Revenge was the downfall of the three characters going against each other, for two of them it was not a success, and for one of them it was

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