What Is Atticus Role In To Kill A Mockingbird

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1) Atticus responds very calmly to society, and he tries to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. When Bob Ewell spits in his face, he tries to explain his behavior with respect to all that he had been through and puts himself in Bob’s shoes. Atticus’ role throughout the novel is to show that the main lesson they need for life is to stand in another person's shoes. Atticus is the ideal moral man, and serves as a role model to the children and the reader. Arthur responds to society by shutting himself in, because he knows how evil it is out there, filled with hate for one another. His role is to show how, like nutgrass, one rumor will spread and create more, creating a false and malevolent name for Arthur Radley. Arthur is the Mockingbird,…show more content…
Her father would definitely beat her if she told the truth about Tom, and she knows this. Mayella is viewed as the "woman" of the house, because she must take care of the other children, clean, and cook. Her role is the physical materialization of what ignorance, racism and prejudice can do to a person. As an after effect of her awful childhood she has little feeling of self worth. Dolphus sees society as a racist and unjust community, and pretends to be drunk so,”folks can say Dolphus Raymond's in the clutches of whiskey—that's why he won't change his ways. He can't help himself, that's why he lives the way he does" (268). He represents the compromises people have to make in order to live in communities where they don't quite fit in. Tom sees society with a sympathetic look upon it, but only gets the malevolent part of it. He was blamed and acquitted for a crime he did not commit. He was an honorable man who helps Mayella with laborious chores, but only gets sent to jail. Tom represents a mockingbird, an important symbol of innocence destroyed by evil. This is because mockingbirds are symbolized as gentle creatures who are victimized by
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