How Is Atticus Finch A Good Role Model

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Role models Fatima M 716766 ENG1D0-F “To Kill A Mockingbird" a novel by Harper Lee , released in 1960 winner of the Pulitzer Prize, this book explains many life lessons, some of them include that people shouldn't judge a person by the way they look, they should think differently from other people's point of view. Atticus Finch the father of 2 children conquers and stands up for a colored person which isn't normal in a town like Maycomb County. "Each person must live their life as a role model for others" - Rosa Parks, this is basically how Atticus Finch is, he's a role model for his children and other people that are surprised that he defended a black person. Atticus Finch teaches many lessons, he’s a positive role model he is able to teach…show more content…
After Tom Robinson was shot dead, Atticus wanted Calpurnia to come with him to tell Helen (Tom Robinson’s Wife) about the tragic news. During this, Aunt Alexandra (Atticus’ sister) starts crying because she sees her brother under so much difficulty and she feels bad, but Aunt Alexandra comforts herself and doesn’t cry in front of her friends, instead she goes to the kitchen and cries, but Scout thinks that she didn’t cry, “I thought Aunt Alexandra was crying but when he took her hands away from her face, she was not” (Lee page 316), her Aunty goes back to the tea party and acts like nothing happened. Scout understands this and demonstrates this by thinking. “After all, if Aunty could be a lady at a time like this, so could I” (Lee page. 318). Scout shows an understanding that if her Aunty can be a lady at time of catastrophe so could she. She demonstrated this by doing “I carefully picked up the tray and watched myself walk to Mrs. Merriweather. With my best company manners, I asked her if she would have some.” (Lee page.318). This shows that she’s devolving because she never thought of doing lady like things and now she does. Not only does she learn lessons from Aunt Alexandra, but she also learns from her father, and she learns about empathy. She learns that she can get along with people if she uses empathy and Atticus teaches her how. “… Consider things from his point of view… climb into his skin and walk around in…show more content…
When Jem lost his temper at Mrs. Dubose’s lawn, and cut her flowers with Scout’s baton which he bought for her. He was young and he didn’t have a good view towards Mrs. Dubose, he didn’t like her. He finally gets a new point of view of Mrs. Dubose when Atticus tries to explain to him what she was going through then. "...I wanted you to see something about her-I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do. Mrs.Dubose won all ninety-eight pounds of her. According to her views, she died beholden to nothing and nobody. She was the bravest person I ever knew” (Lee. page 149).Atticus here is trying to explain to Jem that what Mrs.Dubose was going through was very hard for her. Atticus explained she was sick and a morphine addict and how she wanted to get rid of it. Jem began to understand more about her than he did before. He matured a bit more and came out of his childish state after Mrs. Dubose died and he learned a valuable lesson. As Jem grows he learns so much about the world around him not just from his father but also what he observes from the people around him. He starts to observe and comes up with reasons to why Boo Radley stays inside. He shows his understanding by telling Scout. "...I think I'm beginning to understand why
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