Example Of A Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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Aristotle’s ethos (character), logos (reason) and pathos (emotions) is used in modern advertising. In a digitised world, affective networks and communicates are created and affective/cognitive conditioning marketing strategies are used. The vulnerable are used as commodities in advertisements as businesses raise funds for charities to further incite the audience’s emotions (Burton’s Media, Society (Critical Perspectives (Chapter 9). Consequently, as audiences respond and react to the advertisement/marketing campaign, liking, sharing and tweeting it, ads go viral. Audiences become subjected to the advert and its ideologies and discourse it contains. Social communities are created, consumers interact and social media-marketing embodies the very notion of democratization and engagnement. Walker and Bellamy explain that an ad needs to be ‘zap-proof’ and grab the viewer’s attention within the first three seconds of the ad or he/she will change channel. Dobele et al. note: “Successful viral marketing campaigns are comprised…show more content…
She calls this the ‘binding effect’ as this ‘affect’, or Lacan’s jouissance, as we respond and react reflexively to the Web 2.0. “Every little tweet or comment, every forwarded image or petition, accrues a tiny affective nugget, a little surplus enjoyment, a smidgen of attention that attaches to it, making it stand out from the larger flow before it blends back in.” Affective networks are “the production and manipulation of affect”. Feelings of attachment, affection, excitement, fear, ease, well-being, are products of users’ contributions, alterations and engagement to the internet. The affective charges we transmit and confront reinforce and extend affective networks without encouraging their consolidation into organized political
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