West Lake In China

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West Lake in China - the heaven on Earth China deserves to be one of the main tourist destinations in Asia when bearing the historic heritage sites, many culture festivals, and especially, the stunning landscapes. Among that, West Lake is the representative delegate for the appellation “The heaven on Earth” in China. Being a man-made work constructed for recreation based on the style of a garden park, West Lake is located in the historic center of Hangzhou – the western suburbs and is a symbol of this beautiful region. How to get there West Lake is about 30 kilometers from Hangzhou airport. There are 3 ways to get there: - By private transport: You can book a private transport with driver and tour guide from a transfer service. This is…show more content…
It takes 1 hour from the airport to West Lake. But most of the Chinese drivers can’t speak English, so, you should prepare a name of the place you want to go. - By the airport bus: If you want to save money, this is an ideal way but takes the most time with 2 hours’ drive. The airport bus will take you to the Hangzhou Railway Station, then you just take the bus number Y2 to Jingsi. West Lake in four seasons With some places, the visiting time is an important thing tourists think about to have a perfect trip. But if you are going to visit West Lake, you can go anytime you want because it is always beautiful. The lake’s scenery bears the distinctive beauty in each season. Spring – Gorgeous in red In China, the spring lasts from March to May, and this time is also the peak season for West Lake travel. The charming combination of green cloves, red peach blossoms, and weeping willow catkins creates a magnificent landscape captivating…show more content…
Some unique boats for your option are the rowing boat based on Qing Dynasty design or painted boats of Southern Song Dynasty, dragon boats, coffee boats, and classic elegant cruise. Wonderful performances Music Fountain: Freely enjoy at 19:00 and 20:00, visitors will have amazing feelings during 15 minutes with the wonderful performance of water. Impressive West Lake Show: It is held in the Yuehu Lake Scenic Area and focuses on the ancient folk song. There are five parts filled with skillful dance, tunable music, and gorgeous light: encounter, falling in love, farewell, memory, and impression. Live performance: The hundred of actors dance and sing on the stage set on water.Visitors can enjoy the grand open-air space with the natural and cultural beauty of West Lake. Photography tips Rated as one of the "12 superb sunset spots around the world" by CNN, it will be a major shortcoming if photographers don’t take a cluster of artistic photos about the dust on West Lake. The ideal locations to admire West Lake’s panoramic view are Leifeng Pagoda, Chenghuangge Pavilion, and Baoshi

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