Huck Finn Jim Analysis

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Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was written by Mark Twain, an American writer acknowledged for his humor and striking details he put into his novels. Although this novel is known to be one of the best novels ever written, it is also one of the most controversial. This novel was written to take place before the Civil War when owning slaves was a part of the norm in the South. From its intricate dialect to the abundant use of the term “nigger,” readers were shocked by Twain’s audacious ways he went about writing this novel. This novel is “also a formidable attack on American racism” (Rosenthal 62). The characters are meant to be seen as human beings, not as anything inferior to that. The main characters, Huck and Jim, experience a character growth over the course of the novel that helps the reader better understand how dynamic they really are and the impact they have on each other. The novel Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not racist because Twain uses the characters, Huck and Jim, to represent both the growth and flaws of true human beings. At the beginning of the novel, we meet Huck. He is…show more content…
Seeing them both grow and learn as characters throughout the novel helped the reader grasp onto the fact that Twain developed these characters to be thought of as being true humans. Huck experiences moral growth because of his relationship that he developed with Jim. Jim experiences what it was like to be his own person and make his own decisions. One critic praised the novel for its “vivid rendering of Jim's fear of capture, the tenderness of Huck's and Jim's regard for each other, and Huck's excruciating moments of wavering between honesty and respectability” (Marx 306). Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not racist because the characters display the same emotions as human beings do and experience something that all humans experience at some point in life,

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