Solid Waste Management In Mauritius Case Study

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Chapter 3 - Solid Waste Management in Mauritius 3.0 Introduction The proper functioning of the waste management in Mauritius is even more important as the country strives to attract high-class tourism and foreign investment in an economic diversification programme. (Carlbro report 2005). SWM represents an important economic sector of the Mauritian society. Waste is defined as “anything which is discarded or otherwise dealt with as if it were a waste and includes any substance or article which requires to be disposed of as being broken, worn out, contaminated or otherwise spoiled other than hazardous” (Local Government Dumping and Waste Carriers Regulations 2003). 3.1 History In the past, all municipal wastes were disposed at open dumping sites which…show more content…
3.4 Summary . Municipal councils are usually responsible for collection of waste and are expected to provide an effective and efficient collection system to the inhabitants in accordance with the legislation. They also have the responsibilities to provide a safe system of work to their employees involved in waste collection. Waste collection has become today an immediate and critical issue for the community. Ineffective or irresponsible disposal of waste of solid waste pollutes the environment and poses health risk to public. No treatment of wastes such as composting, incineration, recycling and landfilling is possible if waste is not collected. CHAPTER 4 : Methodology 4.0 Introduction Methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of study. It comprises the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles associated with a branch of knowledge. Typically, it encompasses concepts such as paradigm, theoretical model, phases and quantitative or qualitative techniques (Howell,K,E

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