Walmart Customer Service

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Customer service is a critical component of the shopping experience; and is capable making or breaking a business. Both excellent and poor guest relations directly impact a business’s ability to prosper in today’s retail environment. In recent years retail stores have seen an influx of competition, giving consumers more shopping options to choose from. In order to stay competitive in today’s marketplace, businesses must stand out from the crowd. Two of Coldwater’s largest competitors in the retail industry are Meijer and Walmart. Meijer and Walmart are located within one-mile of each other. With such a close proximity to the competition, both stores are vying for the same customer base. Customer service should be of the utmost priority to…show more content…
When the customer service experience is disregarded by the organization, the customer is not the only one that suffers. When poor customer service is considered normal operating procedure, the organization will likely experience a decrease in sales, customer loyalty and positive word of mouth. Alternatively, when customers encounter exceptional customer service they will likely frequent more often. Consistency is key, when it comes to providing excellent customer service. Organizations should strive to consistently address the needs of the customer by being attentive, prompt and courteous. An effective customer service policy is a must for any successful business. An effective policy will focus on providing the customer with outstanding customer service that is consistent and centered around the customer. When an organization implements positive customer-centric customer service policies, the organization will gain the customer’s trust. A consistent policy should be in place that ensures that the guest is treated with the same amount of care every time they…show more content…
Sam’s philosophy was "saving people money so they can live better”. Walmart's business model has revolved around this philosophy to this day. Low prices are king. This philosophy allows customer service to be sacrificed because all that matter is that the customer is saving money. You can find thousands of Wal-Mart stores across the US, often in towns with very little competition. The sheer size of the Wal-Mart organization, combined with the lack of competition plays a role in how they treat guests. Wal-Mart knows that no matter how terrible the customer experience is they most likely make a return visit to save a couple of

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