Ushahidi Stakeholders

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The stakeholders of the Ushahidi case are the people of Torabia affected by the earthquake, volunteers, the government, other members of the Humanitarian Aid, expatriates, and PART-3, the Third Army for Revolution in Torabia. These stakeholders all have different interests; firstly, the people of Torabia are looking for relief and ways to call for aid. Volunteers that are working to aid these people are interested in finding out where the most significant issues are, and information they can use to help victims. The government is a stakeholder interested in taking care of its citizens and keeping the country safe, although factions sympathized with opponents. An opponent to safety is PART-3, a stakeholder interested in using the crowd-sourced information to attack aid workers and victims, who caused the removal of the map that contained sensitive information.…show more content…
Ushahidi leveraged technological information infrastructures to fix a problem with communication. This requires several components to be working in unison: the power of the device, GPS, Internet, and correct data from stakeholders. The concept of crowd sourcing information that is difficult to communicate and collect otherwise is an intelligent one. It bridges the gap between volunteers and victims of the disaster by creating a feedback loop of real time information, organized within categories. Getting correct data from stakeholders is where the infrastructure begins to break down. Misinformation and information inaccuracy can be carried through the software and cause substantial issues for all stakeholders. The app also breaks down when information intended for humanitarian aid goes into the wrong hands, such as terrorist groups like

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