Business Case Study: Uber App In The America

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The case study of Uber Technologies Inc (Uber), a successful brand, was known as Uber App in the America, expanding its market to many other countries. Entering the San Francisco taxi industry in 2009 with a new model business found by Travis Kalanick, which gained profit by connecting passengers with taxi drivers through using a smartphone. Being understood target market with powerful consumers, Uber established strategy on branding and consumer trusts. Uber replaced a cheaper UberX service from an expensive UberBlack, managed business strategy in a playbook, which focused on selecting potential drivers and marketing promotion such as offering free rides and opened promotional parties. For those smart tactics, Uber became successful in San…show more content…
With a good understanding target market accompany with offering of smartphone technology created market opportunity for Uber to enter. However, being successful in taxi industry was not easy for a newcomer. Uber faced difficulty and challenges from regulators, taxi-leasing company, and local cab drivers. They claimed that Uber was a tech company and how come Uber’s business model was allowed to operate in taxi industry. Consequently, Uber was sued from taxi-leasing companies and cab drivers. From here, Uber generated its business strategy focusing on recruiting and training drivers and qualify of services. Thus, by 2014, under regulation and competitive pressure, Uber predicts its future whether a developed business model would make it grow in the limousine industry or it should change to diversify with other services. Recently, Uber had planed to apply its model to different services to internal and external environments such as motorcycle pickup, delivery service, and an ice cream truck delivery…show more content…
Uber was neither a taxi and limousine company nor employed drivers. It also did not need a maintaince department, medallions, or permits to operate in a district like cab taxi drivers. Uber basically is technology connector. It worked base on a propriety smartphone application, which connecting drivers who own cars with passengers in need of ride. Transaction of offering service was done electronically on Uber’s app and Uber took a portion percentage of its service and the driver received the majority of the fare. Uber’s start up was a sale team, a quality mobile application, and excellent public relation team. Three that tools helped Uber grew with a strong brand and reputation in the taxi industry. Uber’s tactic focused on developed technology and high quality services in order to build loyal customers. They captured and gave quick responsiveness to real-time customer feedbacks. They used the rating system from riders to value driver’s experience. By doing those, customer felt comfortable and safe. This is good way for Uber to improve the customer service in order to maintain and increase their loyal customers. Uber selected prospective drivers with a local knowledge through online application and gave them a dedicated login and trained on how to access and use Uber’s software. By using Uber app, taxi drivers predict demand and locate customer quickly and

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