Use Of Atmosphere In Macbeth

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Atmosphere as a Key Element In the play Macbeth, Shakespeare creates a dark and gloomy atmosphere filled with horror and emotions that make the readers feel as if they can cut the tension with a knife. The play begins with three witches in a conversation that is mysterious and malevolent. Then when Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have committed the murder against Duncan they begin to become paranoid over noises which build utmost tension. Lastly, the majority of bad things that happen in the play are when there is horrific weather at night which creates fear and treachery. The use of this type of atmosphere gives us more insight into Macbeth’s character and how he changes throughout the play. The atmospheric effects in the play such as the evil witches, noises, horrible weather, and darkness illuminate the aspects of the play as a whole and cause…show more content…
The rhyming they use makes the surroundings eerie: “Fair is foul, and foul is fair/Hover through the fog and filthy air” (I,i,12-13). We are met with the three witches again and as usual they arrive with thunder. There gory attitude is nasty and scary: “I’ll drain them dry as hay/Sleep shall neither light nor day/Hang upon this penthouse lid/He shall live a man forbid” (I,iii,19-23). This horrifying attitude causes doom in terms of atmospheric effects. Macbeth makes a reference that ties in with what the witches said at that beginning of the play: “so foul and fair a day i have not seen” (I,iii,39). This casts an evil atmosphere around him. In the brewing scene the crazy ingredients that the witches add into the pot relate to death: “Lizard’s leg and howlet’s wing/Witches mummy/Liver of blaspheming jew” (IV,i,17-26). They also bring up terrible images of a newborn baby dying. There’s no doubt that this is terrifying and presents the witches as hideous and nefarious. The witches in these atmospheric scenes are horribly terrifying, scary, and

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