Unknown Bacteria Lab Report

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Isolation and Identification of Unknown Bacteria Microbiology is the study of organisms that are invisible to the unaided eye. Bacteria are a diverse group of microbes that have the ability to inhabit many different habitats, including soil, food, water, and human bodies (Collard, 1976). Among their beneficial uses is their use in the production of food, alcohol, and antibiotics. Not all bacteria are helpful to humans, however. Medical microbiology is an active field of study which deals with identifying bacteria that can cause disease (Prescott et. al, 2002). The knowledge obtained from characterizing and identifying microorganisms is invaluable to public health. The information can be used to help isolate, identify, and prevent the spread of pathogens responsible for infectious diseases. The purpose of the experiment is to isolate and identify the genus and species of isolates taken from an anal culture, a soil sample, throat culture, and two unknown bacteria. Additionally, the goal of anal culture, soil sample, and throat culture is to isolate enteric gram negative bacteria, fluorescent pigment releasing bacteria, and hemolytic bacteria respectively. The…show more content…
Pure cultures will be observed by eye and microscope in order to note visible qualities such as size, shape, elevation, surface, color, consistency, and optical quality. Then, the ABA DABA test, identification method that will help identify an unknown bacteria. The method requires the completion of several microbiology tests: gram staining, phenol red test, minimal media test, catalase test, oxidase test, and fluorescent pigment test. The characteristics obtained from the tests are used to form an ABA DABA designation that will identify of the unknown bacterium’s family or genus. Further secondary tests for antibiotic resistance and motility in forthcoming labs can use this designation to determine the genus or

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