The American Dream Comparison Essay

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The American dream is the standard set to be considered a success in America. While what that standard is exactly varies from person to person, there tends to be an overall general idea as to what the American dream is. But has that dream stayed the same throughout history? I believe that as the issues that face Americans and the beliefs that they hold change over time, the American dream alters to match those issues and beliefs. A great way to show this would be to compare the American dream of someone in the past to those held in the now. More specifically, I would like to compare and contrast the American dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., myself, and my mother to see how the American dream of the 1960s is different from what we believe to currently be the American dream.…show more content…
Throughout the nation African-American citizens faced discrimination and racism, simply due to the color of their skin. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the leaders of the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s. On August 28, 1963, Dr. King gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech before the Lincoln Memorial. In his speech, Dr, King stated, among other things, that “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Martin Luther King Jr.'s American Dream was to see the racism and segregation wiped away and have all American's live as equals. This dream was shared with all the other members of the Civil Rights movement and eventually became a reality. Fast-forward approximately fifty years, and I asked my mother what she considered the American dream to be. She told me that she considered the American dream to be having contentment with your status in life, with no particular connection to your financial status. Looking at this you'll see that her version of the American dream differs a great deal from that of Martin Luther King Jr. My personal belief in the
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