BASIC TESTS FOR IDENTIFICATION OF BACTERIA GRAM STAIN A. SMEAR PREPARATION The preparation of a smear is required for many laboratory procedures, including the Gram-Stain. The purpose of making a smear is to fix the bacteria onto the slide and to prevent the sample from being lost during a staining procedure. A smear can be prepared from a solid or broth medium. Below are guidelines for preparing a smear for a Gram-stain. Safety • Wear gloves • Avoid aerosols • Care must be taken when heat fixing
series of test was done with Microbe 3B. A Gram stain was done and the sample was gram positive. A streak plate was completed revealing that the microbe was circular, convex, entire, smooth, yellow, and opaque. The last test completed was the MSA. The microbe was oxidase positive. Thus, Microbe 3B was Micrococcus luteus (Sarcina). (MMB,2015) Procedure 1 Gram stain: Purpose/ Introduction: The Gram stain reveals whether a microbe is gram positive or gram negative. It also reveals the shape and
Introduction The identification of a microorganism is not only vital in a microbiology lab, but also in the medical and pharmaceutical fields. Knowing the identity of a microorganism has helped diagnose numerous diseases, discover the source of the pathogen, and has provided patients with effective treatments such as antibiotics. In addition, the morphology of a bacterium and an arrangement of biochemical tests are utilized to identify an unknown bacterium. In this experiment, students performed
Bacteria Lab Report Biology 2460-002 Jamuna Kadariya November 24, 2014 Unknown number: thirty-four I. Abstract There are many types of bacteria and they produce different enzymes. However, some bacteria can produce same enzymes. In order to identify the particular enzymes produce by each bacteria specific test needs to be done. Among various types of enzyme producing bacteria, gram- negative and gram-positive bacteria are given priority in our experiment. There are four main types of Gram-negative
even under a microscope. This is because they are usually colorless, and for this reason, they must be stained to be properly observed. In this experiment, the class prepared a smear from a bacterial specimen on glass slides and the solution given to stain their bacteria was methylene blue. The bacteria used were Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, and Staphylococcus aureus. Using a microscope, the class was able to successfully identify their features including their arrangements, sizes, textures,
Bacteria and Antibiotic Lab Report The purpose of this lab was to identify the possible bacteria discovered in two patients and to test different antibiotics on the bacteria to find the best treatment for each patient. In order to identify the bacteria, we had to Gram stain the bacteria from culture A and the bacteria from culture B, and then observe the bacteria under a microscope. We recorded the shape and color of the bacteria in order to find a possible match with a strand of bacteria. If a
conversion of sugar into lactic acid, Enterococcus faecalis do not produce any carbon dioxide but produce large amount of extracellular oxygen. In the laboratory, we can actually use gram stain technique to test Enterococcus faecalis. The result of the Enterococcus faecalis towards gram stain technique has shown that it is a gram-positive bacteria because it is stained with violet colour.
Unknown Number 16 – Salmonella typhimurium Cindy Chai Rutgers University Microbiology for the Health Sciences Abstract This lab report was performed to identify the unknown organism, number 16, through various laboratory tests and techniques. The laboratory tests generated some critical results that suggested the unknown culture was Salmonella typhimurium. Some of the tests that led to the identification of the unknown organism included: the EMB agar plate that resulted as negative for lactose
Prepared two types of agar for the project in the lab as when the real experiment later using urine specimen would give better outcome. The two agars are Eugonic agar and basic agar powder. The purpose is to compare between those agars when streaking the bacteria later. Basically, Eugonic agar has a purpose
Before leaving lab for the day, we noted the depth of the colored area by marking on the tube with a marker. Results: The next day when we checked for the results of our test, we observed that our bacteria are facultative anaerobes because there was growth throughout