You can only imagine how many people buy apple cider vinegar to use in recipes and on their salad while never realizing the variety of possible health benefits they might be receiving. The reality is that apple cider vinegar or ACV has been used for thousands of years as a home grown remedy for a variety of health issues. The possible health benefits range from weight loss to improving a person's circulatory or digestive system functioning. Given that improvement with the circulatory system us frequently
Midwifery is one of the oldest and most storied professions in the world. This essay seeks to explain the role of midwives, as well as the greater effect the profession has had on our society as a whole. Specifically, this analysis will explain the background and history of midwifery. It will also explain the social impact of the profession and how it brought together women of different races. Finally, it will go in depth on the identity of certain specific midwives and their contributions to the