Unit 3 P3

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There are several reasons why research is really important in health and social care. One of the most important reasons why research is important in health and social care, is to get better services and to make sure that staffs are meeting their standards, to improve public wellbeing and to improve public’s heath. There are two types of research that people do which are primary research and secondary research. Primary research is done by an individual. This can be done by an individual doing a questioner, interview or/ and by doing observation. Primary research is important; the reason for this is because it lets the researcher get people’s opinions, views and ideas on the specific subject they are researching about. For example interviewing…show more content…
This can be done by professional individuals. For example this could include statistics from reports, news papers and from the government. This is very important in health and social care, the reason for this is because it lets the individuals know, of what services there are already and how these services are affecting the community. Secondary research allows us and the researcher to find out what needs to be improved and changed to improve public health. How do research finding affect the work of relevant health and social care? When research is reviewed and investigated service providers would know if the current services need to be changed or improved. In addition it could help the service provider to meet the needs of the service users. Furthermore when research has been investigated and reviewed, you will know if certain things need to be changed for you to meet the individual needs. Moreover it can also help the service provider to have a better understanding of their service, so that they know how it affects the community. What are the different types of research…show more content…
There are several reasons why I have chosen to do research on underage drinking. One of the reasons why I have chosen to do research on underage drinking is because, I am under 18 and I think that by doing this research I may find some interesting information and facts that would surprise me. Another reason why I have chosen to do research on underage drinking is because underage drinking is increasing every year in the UK. So by doing this research, I think there might be some ways that I would be happy to help young people to reduce or to stop drinking alcohol. At the end of this report readers and I will know how much young people know about alcohol, as well as we would be able to judge how much young people are drinking alcohol. In addition we can also judge how much of a problem it is for underage drinking. By doing secondary research I hope to find statistics on underage drinking in the UK. I also hope to find statistics on relevant illness/ disease when a person drinking alcohol too much. By doing primary research, I hope to find out how much alcohol do young teenagers drink and why they drink alcohol at such a young age. Carry out research I am fascinated in researching this topic. The reason for this is because I know that the level of underage drinking is increasing the UK every year. I will be using secondary research to carry out my research. I will collect information and statics from the

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