Gauss Seidel Method Essay

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A Report On Gauss Seidel Method Submitted By: Riddhi H. Pancholi Enrolment No: 150320701012 Semester: I, M.E. (Computer Engineering) Guided By: Prof. Krunal Panchal Computer Engineering Department, LJIET, Ahmedabad. Computer Engineering Department, LJIET, Ahmedabad LJIET CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the work presented in the seminar entitled “Gauss Seidel Method” has been carried out by Riddhi H. Pancholi Enrolment No.: 150320701012 Under my guidance as a partial fulfilment of requirements to Award ME Computer Science & Engineering By Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad Date: Prof. Krunal Panchal Assistant Professor LJIET Ahmedabad…show more content…
• Gauss-Seidel’s method is faster than other iterative method which is Jacobi’s method. • Simplicity of operation • Ease of implementation • Insensitive to propagation of errors Disadvantages: • Gauss-Seidel’s method starts with an approximate solution • Even though done correctly, the answer is not converging to the correct answer • Diagonally dominant: - The coefficient on the diagonal must be at least equal to the sum of the other coefficients in that row and at least one row with a diagonal coefficient greater than the sum of the other coefficients in that row. CONCLUSION This report represents some of the detailed description of the Gauss-Seidel method for computing approximate values to reach nearer to the actual value. The report is based on the Gauss-Seidel’s numerical implementation. The report is a replica of the Gauss-Seidel’s method that how it is used in real life applications and why it is used as compared to other iterative

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