Understanding Food Pyramids

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The food pyramid is a great way of understanding the quantity of which types of food you should be eating Understanding the Food Pyramid The food pyramid is an excellent visual representation of the foods which we should eat to have a healthy, balanced diet, with sufficient vitamins, minerals and energy to keep us going. It is endorsed by many health bodies throughout the world, proving its reliability. The base of the pyramid represents the foods which we should be eating the most, and the apex of the pyramid shows the foods which we should have the least of. It is recommended that adolescents should have 6 to 7 serves of grain (cereal) foods, 5½ serves of vegetables and legumes, 2 serves of fruit, 3½ serves of dairy and finally 2½ serves…show more content…
It helps improve the welfare of you socially, mentally and physically, helping you make the full potential of your body. On the physical side, it helps keep weight in check and promotes growth, mentally, it has been shown to reduce negative thoughts and depression, and socially, it helps you gain new friends and allows you to have fun. Studies by the Australian government has shown, that you should spend at least an hour a day doing moderate to vigorous physical exercise. Benefits There are numerous benefits associated with exercise every single day. Some of these include: • The ability to control your weight by allowing you to burn off excess energy which would otherwise be turned into fat • Stronger muscles and bones, which can help you do day to day activities • Reduced risk of disease and health issues caused by an inactive lifestyle • Helps manage stress and anxiety and boosts concentration • Promotes better sleep, meaning that you can fully function to your best ability the next day There are dozens of more benefits to regular exercise, beside these…show more content…
They also help increase the absorption of fat soluble vitamins • You can find them in fish, nuts and vegetables. Try to limit your intake of saturated fats and opt for vegetable based fats and omega-3. Proteins: • Proteins are the major component of many of the cells in your body. They help repair damaged or injured cells and strengthen the immune system. • You can find them in meat, dairies, beans, and eggs Vitamins: • Vitamins help the body perform a lot of its functions. Vitamin A helps vision, Vitamin D assists with the use of calcium, Vitamin E protects cells against overexposure to oxygen, Vitamin K helps blood clot, Vitamin C helps tissue growth and repair and Vitamin B is split up into multiple complexes, each helping the body differently. • They can be found in most food sources and from the sun (Vitamin D) Minerals: • Minerals, like vitamins, help the body function well. Sodium and potassium help maintain fluid levels inside and outsides the cells (try to limit sodium under 2,400 mg a day). Calcium and phosphorus helps strengthen teeth and bones. Magnesium and zinc help create protein. Iron helps carry oxygen around the

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