Love And Turmoil In A Midsummer Night's Dream By William Shakespeare

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Love and Turmoil Shakespeare involved many different types of love in A Midsummers Night Dream three of the most evident being romantic love, friendship love, and parental love. A Midsummers Night Dream is a story about the journey to true love and the internal as well as external conflicts that one will face. Shakespeare portrayed the many struggles people face when in love and/or relationships, and brought to light the chaos and turmoil that can be involved is such relationships. In the end as is the case occasionally, true love triumphed. Romantic love is depicted in A Midsummers Night Dream with the relationship between Hermia and Lysander. Hermia has been promised to marry Demetrius but her love for Lysander leads her to elope and disobey her father’s orders, knowing that if they were caught they would be put to death for disobeying Athens law. Hermia knew she only truly loved one person and was willing to anything to ensure her happiness as well as his. They left Athens secretly, only…show more content…
Helena and Hermia’s relationship could be categorized as friend love, they grew up together and shared secrets. Hermia trusted Helena with her secret to elope, but she did not take into consideration Helena’s love for Demetrius. Helena betrayed her friend and told Demetrius of the ruse, “I will go tell of fair Hermia’s flight. Then to the wood will he tomorrow night pursue her; and for this intelligence If I have thanks, it is a dear expense.” (Shakespeare & Bevington, 2014, p. 50 Act, 1 Scene 1, 246-251), it is evident that Helena has decided that favor with Demetrius is worth the cost of losing a friend the betraying the love of Hermia. The betrayal of love is not only portrayed by Helena but also with Hermia, she has been promised to marry Demetrius by her father Egeus. Hermia eloping would be an embarrassment and a dishonorable act by a daughter under Athens

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