Ulysses S. Grant Thesis

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Claudia Pizana Eng-III-A-H 12/7/17 Ulysses S. Grant Ulysses S. Grant was a general commander of the Union armies that led to the victory over the Confederacy in the American Civil War. He also served in the Mexican-American War as a quartermaster. He gained much knowledge from the Mexican- American War and developed leadership skills from the generals in charge of him, General Winfield Scott and General Zachary Taylor. Ulysses S. Grant served as a general and commander for the United States’ Union army. After his achievements in the Civil War, he was appointed the commander of each and every of the Union armies. He fought many battles such as Battle of Fort Donelson and Fort Henry, Battle of Shiloh, Battle of Chattanooga, Vicksburg,…show more content…
When he first became a president he was completely clueless and had absolutely no experience of how to be one. Little by little, and with the influence of others including his wife and the Congress, he tried to become a better president. Grant signed his first law ever on March 18, 1869. He won reelection in 1872 and he closed his second term as president assuring Congress that “Failures have been errors of judgment, not of intent.” – Brittanica.com. Sadly, scandals are what are best remembered from Grant’s presidency and not the few but good things he accomplished. Many historians have ranked Grant’s presidency as weak and impotent. He is considered to be one of the worst U.S. presidents. During his two terms in office he wasn’t able to accomplish much since he was elected to be the president when he had absolutely no education or preparation to be in charge of the country. His leadership skills as a general and commander of the Union army did not work in the leading of the country. Ulysses S. Grant risked his life while fighting in battles and wars. He fought in…show more content…
These battles were dedicated to the capturing of these forts, Fort Henry and Fort Donelson, in order to open the doors to Nashville. The significance of this battle was that the Union gained control over several rivers, especially of the Mississippi River. Fort Henry was fought on February 6, 1862. This battle was the first important victory of the Union. The victory helped regain most of Kentucky and some parts of Tennessee. Grant took Fort Henry and used it to attack Fort Donelson. Fort Donelson was fought on February 13-16, 1862. This battle was a major victory for the North. This battle led to the promotion of Ulysses S. Grant to be the major general. He also served in the Mexican-American War as a quartermaster. Ulysses S. Grant was a man who helped contribute to make the United States a much better place for its citizens. He was the son of a tanner and many people around him didn’t expect this man to become such an important person for the U.S. history. He went from being a man with no interest or knowledge of war to being a major general and the commander of all of the Union armies. He led the Union armies to so many
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