Grant's Victory In The Battle Of Shiloh

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The Battle of Shiloh was one of the major battles fought during the American Civil War. Beginning on April 6th 1862 and ending on April 7th 1862 in southwestern Tennessee it was one of the bloodiest fights of the war at the time. On the Union side, the Army of the Tennessee under the command of Major General Ulysses S. Grant, who had not yet risen to his eventual status of Commanding General of the Federal Army, was ordered by Major General Halleck to invade up the Tennessee River. The Confederate army, The Army of the Mississippi, commanded by the brilliant General Albert Sidney Johnston, given that this was southern territory were on the defense, attempting to catch and destroy Grant’s forces. The strategic advantage that the winner of the…show more content…
This naturally took a great deal of time, and he needed his subordinates to hold their positions as long as possible. (3) The confederate advance while slow was steady on both flanks. In the center of the Union defensive line, however, Prentiss and W. H. L. Wallace, not to be confused with Lew Wallace who was in reserve, put up a desperate defense along a ridgeline which became known as the Hornet’s Nest. Johnston, instead of bypassing the Union center and flanking around from the sides which had already been pushed back, chose to go straight through the Hornet’s Nest. It cost him valuable time, men, and his life. He was shot during the fight and quickly bled out. His death was a major blow to confenderate forces and placed Beauregard in charge. (3) For seven hours the Union center did not budge while taking massive casualities, Bragg’s corps on the confederate side also, took heavy losses and could not break through. W. H. L. Wallace was killed in the Hornet’s Nest a few hours in. After seven hours of failed attacks, Brig. Gen. Daniel Ruggles gathered 50 canons behind Bragg’s line and began a bombarding the Hornet’s Nest. Prentiss at this point could not sustain any more losses and surrendered with approximately 2,000 men left.

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