Transmission Communication Analysis

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James Carey (1989) defined two concepts of communication, namely transmission and ritual communication. Transmission communication circulate around the process model coined by Schirato and Yell (2000) which comprises of a sender, a messenger and a receiver. Transmission communication connects the way information is conveyed and received through technology with the structure of these information and with the study of the outcome of these communicative means. It is a process and technology that would aid in spreading, conveying, and disseminating ideas and information further and faster with the goal of controlling space and people (Carey, 1989). Messages were once entities that had to be physically transported across increasing distances, the…show more content…
The idea of ars simia naturae maintains that the job of art is to ape or faithfully copy and represent, nature or art imitates art. He believed that photography is essentially predisposed to the social functions that have been conferred upon it. The social uses of photography, presented as a systematic selection from objectively possible uses, define the social meaning of photography at the same time as they are defined by it (Bourdieu 1990). As much as photography is a form of realism and objectivity, it seems to be less realistic when what is framed is to be a dignified image of oneself outside one that is ‘natural’. He explains that the ‘natural’ is a cultural ideal which must be created before it can be captured. He also explains the spontaneous desire for frontality that is linked to the most deep-rooted cultural values where one poses for the photograph as one would stand before a man whom one respects and from whom one expects respect, face on, held high, rigid and tends towards a posture of standing giving others the most honorable image that seems to be the expression of an unconscious intention. One expects photography to give a narrative symbolism Bourdieu says, and as a sign or, more precisely, an allegory, unequivocally to express a transcendental meaning and increase the notations which could unambiguously constitute the virtual discourse which it is supposed to bear. The desire to take a beautiful photograph becomes an insufficient reason for taking a photograph as it is always given a social function (Bourdieu, 1990). This then provides an approach towards transmission, when communication is meant to impart a certain message. Photography has the power to disconcert, heightening the aesthetics within a frame, at the same time the popular ‘aesthetic’ expressed in photographs are in the judgements passed on photographs that follows on logically

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