Didactics In Volleyball

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This assignment is about didactical methods derived from prescribed readings, Gaetano Raiola, Fabio Parisi, Ylenia Giugno & Pio Alfredo di Tore, (2012). Video analysis applied to volleyball didactics to improve sport skills and Gaetano Raiola & Pio Alfredo di Tore (2012) Bodily communication skills and its incidence on female volleyball championship to enhance didactics, in which we explain how we used them to enhance the sport of Vollyball. This is explained in a covert curriculum that takes place in a timeframe of 30 days and will be explaining 2 volleyball skills, namely spiking and digging. This assignment is aimed at college/varsity level female players who are between the ages of 18 and 24. We are hoping that the outcomes of this programme…show more content…
Thus, the curriculum is directed towards an indoor volleyball team of 6, aged between 18 and 24. The aim is then to enhance their movement competency and motor skills through presenting them with what needs to be done and gradually teaching and coaching them towards the end result, correct and effective execution of their skills. Moreover, a holistic approach (the interest in engaging and developing the person as a whole) will be adopted as well as an ethically sound principle. The curriculum we chose for this exercise is the covert curriculum reason being that it is understood better by the coach as well as the player as it requires no formal learning as the knowledge is passed on the player through the coaching practice. This has a lot of advantage as moves are learned and/or taught through showing and doing, they do not need to be written…show more content…
It is the “pilot study”, a mini version of a full scale or trial run done in preparation of the complete study. Thus it follows after the researcher has a clear view of the topic and question, the techniques and methods which will be applied (Blaxter et al. 1996). The athletes are divided into 2 groups, A and B, A being the control and B the experimental group. Group B is the only group which will be allowed to view the videos of their training however both groups will be filmed throughout the whole training process for 30 days and both groups will be following the same training programme. So at the end of the 30 days, we will be able to see which group will have improved, worsened or stayed the

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