The Pros And Cons Of Immigration In The United States

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Mahatma Ghandi once said that “action expresses priority.” The actions we are taking in regards to immigration are not prioritizing our own people. It is because of this that my partner and I stand in strong negation of Resolved: The US federal government should increase immigration to promote greater US economic growth for the following three main contentions, Contention 1: Increased immigration will benefit immigrants, not natives, Contention 2: Increased immigration will have a negative financial impact on natives, and Contention 3: Increased immigration will drain government funds. Contention 1: Increased immigration will benefit immigrants, not natives. The group of people who benefit from increased amounts of immigration are not the natives of America, and it is immoral to refuse our own people the financial security they so badly need and hand it over to…show more content…
According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform, “No job is inherently an “immigrant job” - instead, employers make a conscious decision about what type of workers to use and the pay conditions they offer. California’s lemon industry made such an exclusive use of Mexican migration networks that it became nearly impossible for non-Hispanics to gain employment.” This is simply one example where immigrants are given top priority, and American’s own people are overlooked. Sub Point B: It will lower wages. According to The New York Times, “ The left-of center think tank found in 2012 that many of the jobs deemed fastest and largest growing by the Bureau of Labor Statistics are going to immigrants - in many of the same occupations that have seen the greatest decline in wages in recent years.” This is important because naturally, there are more natives than immigrants. If natives are not able to support themselves, the tax they pay will go down. If the amount of tax that natives - who are the majority of the US - pay goes down, so will our
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