Leadership Case Study: Tents-R Us Case

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According to the case of Tents-r-Us, the leadership theory and approach of great man approach, trait theory and behavioral approach was applied in this case. 5.1. Summing up few points of the case which related to great man approach Firstly, Ridge is aggressiveness and action orientation leader as he has operated his enterprise over 15 years. If he did not actively run his business, his company will close down and impossible to run until now. Secondly, Ridge possesses ambitious nature. It is because he plans to expand business into northern England. In order to expand his business widely, his business is set up in Edinburgh and entire Scotland is not enough so he wish to expand business into northern England. Next, according to the case content, Ridge said that “he is in charge round here, I build the company and I will decide what happens”.…show more content…
He can familiar with each employee's job. Also, Ridge could response fast when dealing with a crisis. Weaknesses Firstly, according to case content, stated that “Ridge berated his wife in front of staff ending with a general warning for all that he is in charge round here, I built the company and I will decide what happens”. This behavior will make employees antipathy towards Ridge and it will damage relationship between him and his family. Ridge uses autocratic style to drive away other useful family who has talented or trustful. He cannot capture his family members’ mind therefore his dispute with his family recently. Next, Ridge applied the trait theory leadership. He has employed his family members in his business. According to the case content, due to Ridge has strong desire to control “resulted in several family disputes around respective roles in the organization”. It will create negative feeling from employees as no body want to be control by other. Everyone wishes has their thinking and respect by

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