Tradition In Shirley Jackson's The Lottery

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As Chinua Achebe once said, “When tradition gathers enough strength to go on for centuries, you don’t just turn it off one day.” Though, sometimes it becomes necessary to do so. “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson is a short story about a village where people follow a tradition with a barbaric flair. Even though it is commonly perceived that the tradition is necessary to follow, this story shows quite the opposite. In fact, tradition can be the most detrimental thing to society. This, however is a common occurrence in the short story. Although the community in “The Lottery” functions, their existence proves that traditions frequently practiced may not always be appropriate. Even though the lottery is commonly practiced in the wretched village, in the text other villages have eliminated the wicked practice. In the world of “The Lottery” a multitude of hamlets have done away with the practice. Most villages end up just fine as well. In fact, right before the lottery took place, a citizen stated that, “Other villages have done away with it, [tradition]...”(Jackson 177). Even the civilians in the community village have discovered that places that are not than their humble village have managed to live without the process. And of course, jealousy arose as expected. There were other…show more content…
The mere viewing of the thought of these dreadful horrific acts often scares people at the very least. A prime example would have to be when it was stated, “A sudden hush fell on the crowd...”(Jackson 176). This fear will lead to bad productivity and other horrendous events. Possibly, the worst thing that may have happened is traumatizing a child. A naive girl was “hoping that it wasn’t Nancy”(179), her friend . No child, no matter who they are should have to be put through that torture. All in all, the lottery is horrible no matter what how you approach
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