Tour Operator Agency Case Study

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Tour Operator Agency Database Name: Institutional Affiliation: Tour Operator Agency Database 1. Data Model a. Propose an efficient data structure that may hold the tour operator’s data using a normalization process. Describe each step of the process that will enable you to have a 2nd Normal Form data structure The Company is seeking to have a database that will accommodate and sustain its business operations as it continues with the expansion plan. The existing database system is restricted in the functionalities linked to business reporting and intelligence. Tour Operator should change some of the issues such as eliminating the redundant data. The data integrity rules should be followed in the normalization process. The removal…show more content…
1NF sets the first rules for normalization of the database and relates to one table within the relational database. There are three fundamental traits in the first Normal Form a. Each column in the table is not repeated. b. The columns or rows should not be duplicated, and the interaction should comprise a null value. c. The table needs to be identified by using a primary key. For Tours Operator Agency, the tables will be split into Employee Table, Tours Table, and Customer table. In the 1NF, the data type will be defined for each column and inserted into the related table. The primary key distinct to each table will be identified. For the Employee Table, Tours Table, and Customer Table, the primary key will be Emp_ID, Tours_Table, and Emp_Id respectively. The final step will include identifying the partial dependency for the three tables. Second normalization process (2NF). The step builds on the 1NF. The database belongs to the 2NF when non-key attributes are reliant on the PK (primary key) and are in the first Normal Form. The second normalization process eliminates any data redundancy. The 2NF for the database is summarized below: Sales Table Customers…show more content…
It helps realize a consistent implementation of logic across the multiple applications. Once in the stored procedure, the Structured Query Language logic and statements required to execute user instructed tasks/queries can be tested for errors, redesigned and coded to work perfectly. Applications that need to run any function can have the ability to execute the stored procedure. Transactions make sure that all stages of operations across multiple systems are appropriately committed prior to the completion of a process. Coding the business logic to a stored procedure provides the enterprise with a point of control to ensure that enforcement of all the business rules. In some cases, the stored procedure help enhance the performance. The majority of the task is often implemented as a Structured Query Language statements series. The conditional logic applied to the outcome of the premier Structured Query Language statements determines the next statements that should be implemented. When the conditional logic and Structured Query Language statements have been written to the stored procedures, they are a part of an execution plan on the database systems. The results are not returned to the individual who had queried in the instructions to have the conditional logic applied. The SQL server carries out all the work. Since the procedures

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