To Kill A Mockingbird Coming Of Age Analysis

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Name: Kimberly Lo (11) Class: 205 The novel To kill a mockingbird is, to a large extent, a coming of age novel. What, in your view, is one lesson that Scout learns as part of growing up? Just as all other five-year-olds, Scout was a good-hearted, innocent and naive character at the beginning of the book. She is carefree, without having to care much about the cruel and harsh society which was beyond her ken to understand. With the little experiences she has had in life, growing up is the time phase where she learns more about the society and human conduct, namely racial or social discrimination. As a child, understanding about the human society is not something easily achievable and this can only be done through experiences, and it is only with experience comes a deeper understanding. It is also through her negligence that she learns how to differentiate right from wrong. In my view, one lesson of the most crucial lessons Scout learns as part of growing up is not to stereotype people without knowing them personally. Blinded by the common…show more content…
It started when Boo left things for Jem and Scout in the tree hole, which were actually things that meant a lot to him and tried to forge a friendship with them, without them finding out his identity. However, the tree hole, which was the bridge of their communication was cut off when Mr Radley filled the tree hole, most probably deliberately as he did not want Boo to have any form of relation with the children. Another incident was when Boo covered Scout with a blanket without her knowledge during the fire, until Jem pointed out that Boo Radley might have been the one who have done it. It was only through these incidents did Scout realise the true character of Boo Radley, not as a "malevolent phantom" but was actually shy, caring and the most innocent character among them
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