To Kill A Mockingbird Coming Of Age Analysis

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To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee has a variety of themes racial prejudice being one of the predominant messages for an African American living in Maycomb County. It is through the characters experiences that the message of coming of age becomes transparent in the way that both Jem and Scout both grow in their knowledge and maturity that come with growing older. Finally, good versus evil is highlighted throughout the novel pointing out the nature of man. These themes combined make this novel a classic. Racial prejudice being one of the predominant messages, a black person in Maycomb can expect to spend their lives working to the bone for a white male, live in a home with terrible conditions in isolation from the town, and any justice is…show more content…
Jem and Scout are both ignorant to racism at the beginning of the story, but due to Tom Robinson’s trial the kids see true evil, and they incorporate what they’ve learned to their understanding of the world. By the end of the story, the children have grown up, maturing and building upon their knowledge, as well as age. Aunt Alexandria’s goal was to have Scout “grow up” but into her preconceived notion on what a lady is (Lee, page 89) “Aunt Alexandria’s vision of my deportment involved playing with small stoves, tea sets, and wearing the Add-A-Pearl necklace she gave me when I was born”) Understandably, Aunt Alexandra is the type of lady to wear a corset to bed. Atticus, unlike Alexandra instills morals to guide the children to growing up at their own pace. Atticus is a great teacher for his children because he puts himself in their skin. He teaches this to Jem and Scout (page 36) “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.”) Atticus taught his kids into good people despite their surroundings of terrible people. It is a perfect example of how racism is something you learn, and no one is born a racist. It is only through exposure and experience that a person makes their own decisions, “coming of
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