To Kill A Mockingbird Atticus Character Analysis

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In To Kill A Mocking Bird my initial impression of Scout is that she is a very smart young girl and tries to be as much like her brother as possible but doesn’t understand that people live and do things in other ways and differently then she might. When Water was invited to their house he had asked for molasses and “drowned his dinner in syrup” when Scout made a fuss about this Calpurnia requested to speak with her in private she told Scout “There’s some folks who don’t eat like us”. (27) Scout did not understand that everyone has a different way of doing things and needs to be more calm when things aren’t done her way or someone contradicts her. (Scout as the puppy following Jem every step of the way) My initial impression of…show more content…
He told Scout “the main one is, if I didn’t I couldn’t hold up my head in town, I couldn’t even tell you or Jem not to do something again.” (86) He said this because despite what everyone said about him he put it aside to help someone who needs it more than him. (Atticus showing people the way and putting their needs before his) My initial impression of Calpurnia is that she takes her role in the children’s lives seriously, she acts like a parent always teaching them lessons about life. She could be the mother that Jem and Scout never had because she is caring, wise, and for the most part patient with them. “yo’ folks might be better’n the Cunnunghams but it don’t count for nothin’ the way you’re discracin’ ‘em- if you cant act fit to eat at the table you can just set here and eat in the kitchen!”(27) this is one of the many ways she takes the mother role and sets examples for the…show more content…
She’s the children main source of rumours about the Radleys and the rest of the neighbourhood. When the children asked Miss Maudie if she thinks that the stories about the Radleys are true and she responds with, “That is three-fourths colored folks and one-forth Stephanie Crawford.”(51) Stephanie is the kind of person that most people should know not to listen to, they should know that she is a gossiper and her information is either totally untrue or very
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