How Does Each Pivotal Moments That Influence The Character's Moral Growth

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To Kill a Mockingbird Final Essay Freshman English Introduction The literary critic Wayne C. Booth contends that when we read literature we “stretch our own capacities for thinking about how life should be lived.” If this is so, then the study of a novel such as To Kill a Mockingbird ought to conclude with reflection about what we can learn by reading it and then put into practice in our own lives. During our studies of To Kill a Mockingbird, we have wrestled with profound moral and ethical questions; we should not expect to find simple lessons or morals waiting to be discovered in the text because the themes of To Kill a Mockingbird represent ongoing cultural conversations that are never truly resolved. Lee does not provide the answers. Our…show more content…
Your essay will address the following: Choose the three most important pivotal moments that influence the character’s moral growth and find a juicy quotation that illustrates each one. How does each pivotal moment represent the character’s moral growth? How does each one show the development of the character’s judgment about right and wrong? Using Kohlberg’s stages as a guide, how does the character think about fairness and justice at each pivotal point? Which of Kohlberg’s stages does the character ultimately reach? How does the character’s understanding of right and wrong change over the course of the novel? Based on this character, what does Harper Lee argue is the most important factor that influences a person’s moral growth? The Essay process Freewrite your ideas about how to answer these questions at the end of this prompt. Due: Tuesday…show more content…
STAGE 6: We strive to live according to our own consciences and universal principles of justice and human dignity. Lawrence Kohlberg, “The Development of Children’s Orientations Toward a Moral Order: Sequence in the Development of Moral Thought,” Vita Humana 6 (1963), 11–33. In her Novel, to Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee establishes the idea that parents or guardians provide the most influence in the process of moral development. She demonstrates this idea through the character Jem Finch using his external dialogue and deep thoughts he shares with his sister, Scout as he matures throughout the book. He blew out his breath patiently. "I-it's like this, Scout," he muttered. "Atticus ain't ever whipped me since I can remember, I want to keep it that way." (Lee 75) Dad influenced decision. Early stage "It ain't right, Atticus," said Jem. "No son, it's not right."(Lee 284) Unpopular moral view, agreed with father and influenced by

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