Character Analysis Of Atticus In To Kill A Mockingbird, By Harper Lee

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Atticus displays multiple qualities that every parental figure could learn from. He does this by showing himself to believe in equality, tolerance of others and their differences, and he also displays a huge amount of admirable attributes that make him an excellent father figure. Equality and tolerance are two virtues that every parent should possess, and every parent should also be able to be a good role model for their children. Atticus is a fervent believer in equality. This is especially noteworthy, due to the setting of the novel being Alabama in the 1930’s. It is easy to tell that Atticus feels this way; not only does he defend Tom, but he believes in him and legitimately stands for his cause. He also encourages his children to call him by his first name, and always treats them fairly and with logic. Atticus also displays an extreme level of tolerance in regards to people's’ personal beliefs and opinions as opposed to their inherent qualities. The first example that comes to mind is him allowing Scout to act like a tomboy, and much less feminine than might be expected of a girl her age. Again, this is more noteworthy than usual because of the oppressive time period that the book is set in. Another example worth mentioning is how he tried…show more content…
A few examples would be his kindness and fairness, as well as his sense of justice. He has a radiant sense of morality that his shown by his desire to help others through his occupation as a lawyer. Perhaps one of the most important things he instills into his children is that they shouldn’t be afraid of the world, but rather prepared for it. A few times throughout this section of the novel, they have been exposed to the ugly side of it, but he has always tried to get them to appreciate the better side instead of being afraid of the
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