How To Read Literature Like A Professor

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How to Read Literature Like a Professor Chapter Analysis Cindy Ho Introduction ~ How’d He do That? Recognizing patterns or symbols in difficult works of literature make it easier to read. The patterns and symbols in “The Fall of the House of Usher” helps one be able to fully understand the short story. For example, in “The Fall of the House of Usher”, the deterioration of the house symbolizes the deterioration of Roderick and Madeline’s health. The house is linked to Roderick and Madeline. Upon Roderick’s death, the house collapses shows the house “dying” as well. Chapter 1 ~ Every Trip is a Quest (Except When It’s Not) Stated in How to Read Literature like a Professor, the QUEST consist of five aspects: a quester, a place to go, a stated…show more content…
One example of intertextuality is found in Romeo and Juliet and The Titanic. Both pair of lovers in the stories comes from different social classes. They are not meant to be together but they love one another anyway. They all have to be sneaky and deceive their parents in order to be together. Another example is found in the stories Grease and High School Musical. Both stories involve high school students who come together to sing and dance. The students all come from different cliques but learn to become…show more content…
In To Kill a Mockingbird the changing of fall to winter foreshadows a gloomy and unpredictable future. No one has ever seen so much snow. The changing of seasons show how mischief of children caused all of the change like how Mayella accuses Tom of raping her when he was innocent. Because of her, the town is in a ruckus about the issue of racism. Another aspect that the changing of season is important in the story is when the season changes from spring to summer. The beginning of summer meant that Scout and Jem were able to see Dill for the summer and explore Maycomb. Dill is Scout’s and Jem’s partner in crime for when they investigate the Radley’s house trying to lure out Boo Radley. Chapter 21 & 22 ~” Marked for Greatness” & “He’s Blind for a Reason, You Know Many movies and stories involve a character that has a physical imperfection. These imperfections can affect the character drastically. In Beauty and the Beast a king was turned into a beast. People become terrified of him so he exiles himself away from everyone. Because of the curse of being a beast, it is hard for the beast to find true love which is the way to break the curse. However, Belle sees through the beast and loves him for his personality on the inside then judging his appearance. Chapter 23 & 24 ~ It’s Never Just Heart Disease… And Rarely
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