Titration Lab

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In the bar graph, it shows the amount of NaOH and vinegar used in the titration lab. To show the big difference between the volume of NaOH and vinegar, bar graph was the best graph that would provide the information. In the scatter plot, it shows the volume of NaOH used and the % of acid in the vinegar. This data shows the % of acid in vinegar by using different amounts of NaOH. A scatter plot was the best graph to show this data. Yes, calculating from the raw data provided further information because from using the information given in the raw data, I was able to calculate the % of acid in the vinegar. The data above shows the volume of NaOH used in a given amount of vinegar. The volume of NaOH shows the amount of NaOH added to the vinegar until the acetic acid in the vinegar reacted completely and also tells the amount of NaOH used until the phenolphthalein in the vinegar turned pink and reached the equivalence point. Also, the scatter plot…show more content…
During the lab, I added phenolphthalein to the vinegar and the color stayed clear. My hypothesis was correct at this point. After adding certain amount NaOH, the color of the vinegar turned pink. At this point, I knew that the solution was basic. My hypothesis was also correct. Another hypothesis of mine was that if there was less amount of vinegar, I would need less amount of NaOH in order to neutralize the vinegar. Based on the outcome of the titration lab, I learned that my hypothesis was wrong. As you can see on the bar graph, in order to neutralize 9.50 mL vinegar, it required 16.77 mL NaOH whereas, for 9.93 mL vinegar, it only needed 15.73 mL of NaOH. Lastly, I also assumed that the more NaOH used to neutralize the vinegar, the higher the % of acid would be in the vinegar. I was correct because looking at the scatter plot, the higher the volume of NaOH used, the higher the % of acid there
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